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iUM inc. Be Me. 私をうたおう。私でいいんだ。そう思えた瞬間に、世界は変わる。これも私だ。そう気付いた瞬間に、世界は広がる。たった一度の人生に、何度、そんな瞬間をつくれるだろう。ひとりの私へ、すべての私へ。もっと楽しみな今日を。一緒にうたおう。私をうたおう。

Our Service

Super Simple, Super Special.
"Sugoyose", an Online Message Book Service for Special Occasions.

With this service, you can easily create online message books to celebrate someone, in the form of books that look more special than traditional message boards. By simply following the instructions and combining messages and photos, the service makes it easy for anyone to create a special gift, even between members who can not meet physically.


Our Service

A Gifting Platform that Makes “Gift Giving” More Fun!

“meechoo” is a comprehensive gifting platform that aims to make everyday life more exciting. A members-only web media that offers ideas for celebrations and gifts for all kinds of occasions.


Company Profile

Company Name
iUM Inc.
Daishi Fujikawa
Executive Vice President
Tatsunori Ichikawa
9,000,000 JPY
April 30, 2021
Location of head office
TanakaKoma Bldg. 8F, 8-5-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Tel: +81-3-6434-7844 /
Fax: +81-3-6434-7218
Business Details
  • Gifting Platform Business:
    Make gifting and receiving more exciting.
  • Entertainment Business:
    Bring more entertainment elements to gift giving.
  • Mind Health Tech Business:
    Create a culture that promotes self-acceptance and self-improvement.
Group Companies